
Experimental Rock from North Rhine-Westphalia

Music that is challenging, introspective, progressive or just plain weird is often perceived as experimental in its otherness.

Two German musicians try to push the boundaries of what we consider music.

Album: MMX
Idea and realization: The Research Institute
Year: 2011
Genre: Krautrock

Descriptors: abstract, atmospheric, avant-garde, complex, cryptic, meditative, mysterious, no drums, no vocals, psychedelic, surreal

Music that moves away from the mainstream can often be difficult to appreciate.

The Research Institute is an independent contemporary studio project.

related tags: experimental electronic, musique concrète, sound art


Freie Improvisationsmusik

Zwei Musiker aus Nordrhein-Westfalen beschäftigen sich nicht mit der Herstellung von kommerzieller oder angewandter Musik.


Album: Gefrickelt
Idee und Realisation: The Research Institute
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20. Mai 2020
Genre: fixed media, akusmatisch

The Research Institute ist ein unabhängiges Studioprojekt im Niemandsland irgendwo zwischen frei improvisierter Musik und elektroakustischer Komposition.


Electroacoustic experimental music

Whether it's improvised music or electroacoustic composition, artists who define their music as experimental try to push the boundaries of what we consider music.

Titel: Lux3 (11:01)
Album: LUX
Artist: The Research Institute
Location: North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Year: 2014

Descriptors: abstract, atmospheric, avant-garde, complex, cryptic, meditative, mysterious, no drums, no vocals, psychedelic, surreal

The Research Institute is a studio project by the independent musicians Michael Pabst and Matthias Bornemann.

Music that is challenging or just plain weird can often be difficult to appreciate in its otherness.

related tags: electronic / musique concrète / noise / sound art